Watch this video to learn how to customise your Account Settings page on the MyThyngs platform, including logos, defaults and GDPR compliance.


The Account setup page is home to your company's essential data. You can reach this page any time you need by clicking on the Little person icon on the top right-hand side corner. 


Under account settings, you can set up/add:


Profile Information

  • Company Name

  • Company Description - this will be used to populate fields in the system, including company ID cards

  • Default colour - any page with the variable colour will default to this colour

  • Company Logo or image - will be used across your Thyngs pages. the File must be a jpg, jpeg, png or gif

  • Currency


  • Privacy Policy - A Privacy Policy (or Privacy Notice/Statement) is a statement made to a data subject that describes how your organisation collects, uses, retains and discloses personal information. A link to this policy is displayed on all of the consumer-facing pages that you create using GoodThyngs

  • Opt-in Text - if you would like to collect contact information from donors enter the text for your opt-in text here. If this field is not set up then no opt-in will be shown.

Charity Information

  • Charity Number

  • Custom Gift Aid Declaration - By default an HMRC compliant Gift Aid declaration will be displayed to your supporters. If you have your own preferred wording for the declaration then you can enter it here. If you enter custom text then please ensure it meets HMRC guidelines.