When linking pages together make sure that both pages have an Object and a Thyngs code as well as you will have to use the page URL codes.
1. Go to Create and then Pages
2. Open the About Page and scroll down to the buttons
3. Enable a button, and give it a name/write the desired text on it
4. On the second line add the URL link that you would like the button to point at (this can either be a website or another page)
To get the Page URL, go to “Create” and then click on “Thyngs” and pick the page that you would like to link to the first one. (you can filter Thyngs on the top left-hand side)
1. Select the page you want to link
2. On the right-hand side, click on the number “3” Under “Thyng Codes”
3. Pick out the URL code from the list (usually the bottom one)
4. Add “thyg.uk/” before the URL code
To check if it works, copy it to a new window in your browser. If it works, go back to the About page, and paste the URL link (http://thyg.uk/AUU51966 ) on the second line under the chosen Button
Make sure to save your work when you are happy with everything!